Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How to verify the Basic Environment Setup for MEC Development

In this post, I thought of describing how to make sure that the basic environment is setup for the MEC development.

You should have the following installed and properly configured.

1. M3 Enterprise Collaborator (Should contain Flat File Repository Manager, Partner Administrator)
2. LifeCycle Manager
3. Infor Smart Office (in a case if you need to verify what you have done)

Check for the Infor installation folder in one of your disk partition, most probably it should be in your system partition. Inside of that there should be a folder called MEC.  Inside of that check for the below files and folders.

1. CentralFiles : is the pre-configured folder where Inbound channels are configured to drop the files.
2. Mapper :  Eclips pre installed folder, Inside plugins folder, check whether for com.lawson.xxxx like folders.
3. Workspaces : Eclips work-spaces,

If you have these

1. Flat File Repository Manager
2. Partner Administrator
3. Eclips (from the Mapper folder, you might be prompted to enter ION password if you have configured the ION Mapper)
3. LifeCycle Manager (Provide the your user name/password)

From the next article I'll take a sample scenario and explain how the Flat File Definition tool is used.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Infor - M3 Enterprise Collaborator (MEC)

MEC is an Infor M3 software component that can be used to integrate M3 with different systems by enabling Infor M3 to create, send, and receive electronic documents in XML and flat file formats.

In simple words, Infor MEC is a Lawson M3 specific application connector like Microsoft BizTalk Server.  

The M3 Enterprise Collaborator (MEC) product and ION Connect provide the interface between Lawson M3 applications and other Infor applications.

So, What is Infor ION?

Infor ION is Infor’s business middleware. Infor ION is a tool that allows customers to connect business applications, organize business processes and empowers users to be more effective. Infor ION is the gateway to share business object documents (BODs) with Infor applications.

MEC can be used in three different ways:

1. Messaging connector via XML or Flat messages :

MEC exposes M3 business logic as XML or Flat interface documents and interacts via request / reply scenarios.

2. As an EDI solution : 

Full EDI infrastructure with supplementary, ready-made message interfaces based on industry standards like EANCOM, ODETTE, VDA, TRADACOMS, and ANSI X.12.

3. Light Weight Message Broker

Easy and straightforward to integrate M3 applications with the messaging interfaces of other

MEC can use Lawson Web Services (LWS), MI-programs, External Program Connector (EPC), and M3 Output Management (MOM) to retrieve data from M3 or write data to M3. Requests to MEC and replies from MEG are sent in XML or Flat File format.

Sources ::
1. MEC Fundamentals Training Workbook
2. Infor10 Lawson Process Automation Frequently Asked Questions

Definition of System Integrator

systems integrator is a person or company that specializes in bringing together component subsystems into a whole and ensuring that those subsystems function together, a practice known as system integration.
Source :: Wikipedia